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Crowbarland Books
Cassandra Morphy
Other Releases (Latest Releases)

Sports World
The world of Pliant, known colloquially as Sport's World, isn't like most of the planets in the Terran Alliance. People don't go there to grow mana or to just make a living. They go there to make a name for themselves. To excel at the one thing that most of the people there lived for.
The Game.
But Dan didn't come to Sport's World to make a name for himself. He grew up there, lost in the economy that was built around pliant, the sport that everyone focused on. Made and lost fortunes betting on. He just wanted to live his life, without being bombarded by sports. Assaulted by the one thing that he hated the most.
Except, when the recruiter came knocking, he couldn't say no. The world wouldn't let him. Suddenly, Dan was stuck doing the one thing he never wanted. Suddenly, Dan was getting everything that he never wanted. But he would soon find out that everything wasn't enough.

Rowan Oak: Air and Stone
Out on her own at a young age, Rowan Oak didn't have many options open to her. Joining the force seemed the best of them at the time, and things hadn't gotten better since. With her career stalled, she worried that there weren't many opportunities still open to her. Not many chances to get back into her daughter's life. That is, until a spell worked for her unexpectedly.
The elements hadn't been responding to the covens. Not like they had for their ancestors when they first settled on the three ley lines that ran through Chicago. Rowan had been kicked out of two of the three covens, but she had always kept the goddess close to her heart. Kept to the faith that she was born to. With the elements seeming to awaken around her, Rowan started to worry that something else was going on. That something darker was coming around the corner. And when the Stones started dying on her, it was hard for her not to feel responsible for it all.

Off Beat: A Musical
Celine Elliott wasn't your normal sixteen year old girl. Stuck in the foster system for her whole life, she had been bounced around for much of that time. She had long since learned not to get too attached to anyone, knowing that she would be moving on shortly. Most of her time she spent lost in the music, playing through her MP3 player, the only thing she had from her birth parents. That music helped her chase off the voices that had been plaguing her since she was nine. But the music transformed her life into something of a tragic musical, letting her hide from the world that had rejected her time and time again. But when she finds herself in a different world, one that seemed quite empty, she starts to open up to the idea of what the world back home had in store for her.

Darkness Within
Jenny Hudson is the daughter of the mine foreman. With the mine being the old major business in the area, that makes her and her father rather important figures in the town of Jonsonville. But when the mine starts running dry, with the only vein practically unreachable, fewer and fewer of the miners are getting the shifts that they need to feed their families. It breaks Jenny's heart that she can't do more to help them.
But when Jenny's crush, the mysterious black haired girl that moved to town just a couple of years earlier, finally talks to her, thoughts of those miners and their concerns end up taking a back seat for this new love affair. However, when the mysteries surrounding the girl take a turn for the dark, Jenny is left to wonder just who she needs to be saving: the girl, the town, or herself.

Mary Two Legs
Mary isn't like the other mermaids in her pod. She grew up with certain disabilities. She can't hold her breath for as long as the others, so she has a rebreather to help her. Her tail was malformed, coming down in two parts instead of one, so she can't swim as fast as the others. But the thing that made Mary the most different was that she was adopted... after being found in a human vessel.
But when the humans come back looking for Mary, she is forced to make the biggest decision, go with them or risk her family and the secret that had kept her people safe for centuries. Safe from the monsters that lived on shore. Safe from her and the people that she was born to. It wasn’t that hard of a decision. What was hard was figuring out how to survive in that world and how to get back home.

Byte the Hand that Made You
Androids have been around for over twenty years, but the technology has gotten stagnant as of late. It was long since time for a third generation of androids to hit the market. For the mark three android to make its mark on the world.
When Ava first booted up, all she knew was her creator. The man was her everything. He had build her body, her very being. He was her god, though he never claimed that title. But as they get ready for the competition for which android would be the best out of all those vying for the title, things start to take an odd turn. Especially when the name Nita causes such a huge reaction in Ava’s creator.

The Prophecy
The village of Contranor had a strange tradition. Everyone who was born in the village would go up into the mountains to the north on their sixteenth birthday. The mountains were home to a group of mages called the Oracles. They gave each of the residents a prophecy, one that would dictate the rest of their lives. Mostly, it was who to marry or what career they would be best suited for. But everyone got one.
Everyone, but Hope. When it came to her turn, the oracles told her that she had no prophecy. Not that she had no future, just no prophecy. Instead, Hope was forced to make one up for herself, lest she look out of place among the rest of the village. But when her friends get conflicting prophecies, she's stuck trying to repair the damage that the lie had done. Not just with her family's reputation, but the friendships that her lie had strained.
With her future on hold, Hope decides to help out her friend Jack in his own prophecy. It leads them on a path outside of their quiet little village, out into the world that neither of them were prepared for. And beyond it. But none of their little band expected just where their prophecies would lead them.